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Vacant Land can be a great place to put ground-mounted solar panels on your property. Your new solar farm can generate electricity for your facility using only vacant land adjacent to your facility and save you a ton of money in the process.

Two qualifying questions you want to ask if you are considering a solar farm for your business are:

  1. Is your vacant land is adjacent to your business that uses electricity?
  2. Is your vacant land relatively level, clear from tall trees, and out of protected areas like wetlands?

If so, congratulations, you may have a good site for a new solar farm. You will want your new solar farm to be close enough to your facility to interconnect to your building’s electrical system. Crossing easements, roads, and power lines can cause trouble for your project so be sure you have a path for interconnection. If so, here are some of the benefits to installing a solar farm ground-mounted on your vacant land:

  1. A Solar Farm can be More Cost-Effective
  2. A Solar Farm can be More Efficient
  3. A Solar Farm can be More Visible

Your Solar Farm can be More Cost-Effective

Ground-mounted solar farms can be the most cost-effective solar for your facility. There’s no need to worry about attaching to the roof or any additional roof work required to secure solar panels to your facility. There’s no structural engineering required to handle additional dead load on your facility. There’s also no need for special equipment to install solar panels on to your rooftop safely.

This also means that servicing and inspecting your ground-mounted solar farm is much easier. A solar farm is accessible by man and machine without the complications of reaching the rooftop. Finally, you are not required to adapt the solar panels to your facility. Often the facility’s physical characteristics can force your design decisions. This also means your ground-mounted Solar Farm can be more efficient.

Solar Farms are cost effective

Your Solar Farm can be More Efficient

Optimum solar panel configuration will get the most out of your investment. Even if your rooftop solar array and your ground-mounted solar farm cost the same, your ground-mounted solar farm would produce more energy. This makes your ground-mounted solar farm more cost-effective in many cases.

Optimally, solar panels face due south and tilted to match the local latitude of your facility. If you were to mount a solar panel in the Northeast that may mean tilting the panel to 40 degrees. In the Southwest that may mean solar panels are tilted 30 degrees. We can help you optimize engineering.

Roof mounted solar panels are often flush mounted, tilted at 5 degrees, or tilted at 10 degrees depending on the mounting system available for your particular rooftop. This may mean less overall electricity is produced at your facility using the rooftop mounted solar panels. Sometimes this can make a difference in the payback and return on investment for your solar farm.

Solar Farms are efficient

Your Solar Farm can be More Visible

Ground-mounted solar farms attract a lot of eyes. This solar installation can be a great, visible way to demonstrate your company’s commitment to renewable energy. Mounted about 4-10 feet off of the ground, the solar panels are not tucked away like rooftop solar installations. This means your company can make a statement with your new solar farm that your business operations are running on clean, renewable energy from the sun.

Contact us for a free evaluation to determine if your Vacant Land should be a Solar Farm

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